Monday, March 5, 2007

The Rules

The above mentioned (hereforward to be referred to as "Hal" and "Heather") have agreed to engage in a poemal duel beginning Monday, March 5, the year of our lord 2007 (also, the year of the pig). They are to write one (1) poem each, daily, until the conclusion of the contest. A topic will be chosen at the day's onset by one of the above, alternating daily. If someone happens to come upon this site, they are welcome to suggest a topic which will certainly be lauded by Hal and pooh-poohed by Heather. May the best (hu)man win (by whatever nonsense measure you can judge poetry).

-Hal and Heather


23 said...

these colors look like some kind of poe rip-off garbage. i'm already not looking forward to this.

HB said...

I've decided I like the color-scheme because it reminds me of a trashy zombie movie. Night of the living potatoes.